Sustained Glory



Sustained Glory is a collection of entries depicting the relationship that abides between The Heavenly Creator Father and His, loving child. Not just any love, a love that has made it possible through the way of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and is loving and at home again within the Heavenly Creator Father — (The Glory) Home. A love Sustained by Glory because it is perfected, perfect love- true love.

Sustained Glory, The Hope of Glory being loved and loving The Heavenly Father again eternally loves realm journalized in these teachings from Heaven.

These moments in the secret place convey the teaching of the Heavenly Father to his loving-“home again” child. The lessons and value of being an eternal child, and the rights and privledges of being an eternal, loving child placed back within the the heart of where it was hewn from, home again w Him!

— overflow!

C. L. Thomas